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Ukeri R’ Urhobo (Urhobo Numerals)

1 Ovo
2 Ive
3 Erha
4 Ene
5 Iyorin
6 Esan
7 Ighwre
8 Erenre
9 Irhirin
10 Ihwe
11 Ihwegbovo
12 Ihwegbive
13 Ihwegberha
14 Ihwegbene
15 Ihwegbiyorin
16 Ihwegbesan
17 Ihwegbighwre
18 Ihwegberenre
19 Ihwegbirhirin
20 Uje
30 Ogban
40 Ujuve
50 Ujuvegbihwe
60 Ujorha
70 Ujorhagbihwe
80 Ujone
90 Ujonegbihwe
100 Ujorin
110 Ujoringbihwe
120 Ujosan
130 Ujosan gbi ihwe
140 Ujughwre
150 Ujughwre gbi ihwe
160 Ujorenren
170 Ujorenren gbi ihwe
180 Ujurhirin
190 Ujurhirin gbi ihwe
200 Ujorin ive / Uri
300 Ujorin erha
400 Ujorin ene
500 Ujorin iyorin
600 Ujorin esan
700 Ujorin ighwre
800 Ujorin erenren
900 Ujorin irhirin
1,000 Uriorin
2,000 Uriorin ive
3,000 Uriorin erha
4,000 Uriorin ene
5,000 Uriorin iyorin
6,000 Uriorin esan
7,000 Uriorin ighwre
8,000 Uriorin erenren
9,000 Uriorin irhirin
10,000 Uriorin ihwe
20,000 Uriorin uje
30,000 Uriorin ogban
40,000 Uriorin ujuve
50,000 Uriorin ujuvegbihwe
60,000 Uriorin ujorha
70,000 Uriorin ujorhagbihwe
80,000 Uriorin ujone
90,000 Uriorin ujonegbihwe
100,000 Odu
200,000 Odu ive
300,000 Odu erha
400,000 Odu ene
500,000 Odu iyorin
600,000 Odu esan
700,000 Odu ighwre
800,000 Odu erenren
900,000 Odu irhirin
1,000,000 Ododuru / Odudurin

About Urhobo.net

Urhobo.net aspires to be a useful resource for inquiry pertaining to Urhobo—the land (otor r’ Urhobo) and its people (ihwo r’ Urhobo). -- C. E. Oyibo, Founder, Urhobo.net.